Dr David Craig

Dr. David Craig is our Lead Pastor at MBC. He is passionate about studying and teaching the Bible and how it points to Jesus as our Savior and Lord over all of life. His responsibilities focus on preaching and teaching, leadership development, and making multiplying disciples in Marin and beyond.

David grew up in Huntington Beach and was raised by strong Christian parents who immigrated from Argentina. He was called by the Lord to serve Him full time as a junior in high school and subsequently studied for the pastoral ministry at Multnomah University (B.S. -1988); Talbot School of Theology (M.Div. – 1991) and Westminster Seminary and Northwest Graduate School (D. Min – 2003). He has served as a Youth Pastor, and Lead Pastor in California, Oregon, and Washington State. He has ministered in over 20 countries including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Cuba, England, India, Israel, Spain and Uruguay.

David met his wife Dana while doing youth ministry in Southern California. They have been happily married since April 4, 1992 and have raised five children and have nine grandchildren scattered all over the United States.

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Lead Pastor